Vladimir Vishnevsky “With and Without a Dust-Jacket”

Reprinted more than once since 1998, Vladimir Vishnevsky’s book gave rise to numerous catchphrases and was heatedly discussed by critics. With the passage of time it was recognized as the most harmonious publication of the poet. The diaphanous philosophy graphics of the artist Anatoly Gitberg forms its inalienable part.


By the time of its publication Anatoly Gitberg had no longer been with us, but Vladimir Vishnevsky and Emilia Glazkova, the artist’s widow, decided to provide the poet’s verses with matching drawings.

Gitberg always carried along small sketchbooks and made fountain pen drawings, availing himself of every free moment. His legacy is vast and comprises thousands of such drawings. But a few dozen of them were published in Vishnevsky’s book; however, those selected drawings give an idea of the artist’s original style.